Week 1 Reflection

     This past week of senior project I focused on strength training in the gym, wrist strength in the form of shooting pucks in the rink, and focusing on my daily nutrition to try and have more energized workouts. During the week I mainly had the split of working out during the morning, having a lunch break, and then going to shoot pucks in the rink. I found this to work well because I typically don't like to have big meals before my workout and only a little snack. Working out in the morning allowed my to get a quick snack in, either toast or fruit, and then get to work. Shooting pucks after lunch with my colleagues Nick and Caca was very fun and collaborative. We were able to get our roller blades on and buzz around the Ted like old days and kept it fun and entertaining to pass around. Overall this past week has been a major success towards all of our personal goals. 

    One of my personal goals from this past week was to note how different food affected my energy throughout my workouts. As I explained above, the way we organized our days left me able to get a light meal in before each workout in the morning. This is what I usually prefer when it comes to working out in the morning. Throughout the week I tried different variations of what I would normally eat like toast, Banana's, other fruit, and cereal. I found that the combination of some cinnamon & sugar toast with a banana to wash it down gave me the best energy levels throughout my workouts. During my workouts when I ate this I felt energized evenly throughout the entirety of the grind session and didn't have any dull moments. This was great to learn and something I will probably continue to eat even after Proctor.

    Moving into the final full week of senior project, there are a couple things that I look forward to and hope to achieve. My first goal is to really dial in my shot and focus on keeping the puck low. I want to move into my summer training ready to go and not any steps behind anyone else. Another goal/hope of mine is to mix in some different types of workouts. I found in my past experiences that switching it up often keeps the gym refreshing and motivating so I want to get some inspiration from different sources and experiment. Overall I am really looking forward to the next week and ready to grind.


  1. Happy to see the Athletes in Lit team still collaborating and thriving!


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