
Showing posts from May, 2023

Day 14: May 23 2023

 For the last day of senior project I only had to get 2.5 hours of work in to complete my 55 hours. I chose to sleep in for the last day and wanted to workout after lunch. The dining hall attempted chicken park today, but it was beyond unsatisfactory. After this I got a really long full body workout in for the last day. After my great workout I had to clean the dorm for a little bit to end the day off. I’m so sad that senior project is ending, it really brings a tear to my eye

Week 2 reflection

Throughout this past second week of the most intense and gruesome workouts of my life, I have learned several valuable lessons that have contributed to my personal growth. Firstly, I have discovered the importance of variety and flexibility in my training routine. By switching up my workout times and exploring different exercises, I have found what works best for me when it comes to keeping myself motivated. This flexibility has not only positively impacted my performance but has also added some excitement to my training sessions. On the other hand, I have also gained a deeper understanding of nutrition and fueling my body for my best performance. Paying attention to what I eat before, during, and after workouts has allowed me to sustain energy levels and promote muscle recovery. I have realized the need to strike a balance between eating what I want to eat, and eating what I should eat. This awareness has encouraged me to make more informed choices, avoiding regrettable food options a

Day 13: May 22 2023

 Today is my second to last day on senior project and it is truly heartbreaking that this experiential learning experience is coming to a close. I woke up at 9:30am to get to the gym at 10am. I got a 2 hour workout in today and focused mainly on a full body lift. After this I went to lunch to get my first meal in for the day which was a sandwich and rice. This fueled me up for a good hour long shooting session in the rink which wrapped up my work for today. Hours Today: 3 Total Hours: 52

Day 12: May 20th 2023

 Even though today was a Saturday, we had to get after it twice today so we hit our total hours in the end. I started today with a workout in the morning at 9am. I tried to really get some good stretching in before and after my workout along with really warming my body up before hand since this past week has been a grind and pretty tough on the body. I was only in the gym for 2 hours, and then headed to lunch to refuel myself before a big day in the Ted. We buzzed around from 1-3pm and got some quality work done on our wrists strength. Over the past two weeks I've really noticed a different in my shot accuracy and I'm definitely hitting my spots a lot more often than when we started. This is good to see and something that I hope I can continue into the summer. Todays hours: 4 Total Hours: 49

Day 11: May 19th 2023

 Today I wanted to switch it up a little and shoot during the AM hours. I got to the rink at 10am so start shooting. I ended up roller blading around too and the whole expenditure lasted 2 hours. Post shooting in the Ted I went to lunch to fuel up for my afternoon workout. I wanted to both lift and get some cardio in for my workout so I didn't eat too much. I did both squats and bench, just to ease my way into working my legs again. After my lift, I did sprints on the treadmill which was dreadful and very tiring. I want to continue this kind of HIIT cardio because its prepares me better for hockey than distance running. That ended the workload for day 11. Hours Today: 5 Total hours: 45

Day 10: May 18th

With Lacrosse finally over, it's not time to fully buckle down and focus solely on strength training and conditioning. I found throughout this project that lacrosse practices and games held me back from my full energy going to the project so it almost feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders now. Today I wanted to focus more on my upper body and give me legs a one day rest before I get after it on my legs. I did a full upper body day today, consisting of chest, shoulders, arms, and back. After my workout I grabbed lunch, turkey sammy and rice, and then headed to the rink to put shots up. I ended up staying in there for awhile, trying my best to shoot through the pain in my hands. That wrapped up my entire day since I do not have lacrosse anymore, although we did do a little chick fil a lunch/dinner at BT's house which was sweet. Hours today: 5 Total Hours: 40

Day 9: May 17th 2023

 Today is Wednesday, I woke up at 8:30am and today I am playing in my last ever lacrosse game of my life..... oh nooo. Since today was gameday I didn't get too much of a workout in. I worked on stretching and plyometrics to ensure that my body would be ready to perform come game time. I got a filling but light lunch in after my session in the gym. This consists of a sandwich and some rice. Since it was my last game, I decided to go to Jake's and get an energy drink to try and hype myself up before the game. Our game started at 3pm, and we ended up losing 9-6 to KUA. Since our game was so early, we didn't get a meal after and we went back to school for the dining hall dinner which wrapped up day 9. Hours Today: 2.5 Total Hours: 35

Day 8: May 16th 2023

 Today is Tuesday of week 2, I woke up at 9:15am. I quickly rinsed off in the shower and grabbed my thingd to head over to the gym. After a quick snack in the dining hall I made it to the gym at 10am. Today's workout was back and arms. This is my first time doing a back workout since in a long time due to me being in season winter and spring so I tried to just ease into it and not go too too hard. I felt pretty good throughout my whole workout and I was very productive. After my workout I went to lunch at 12pm. For lunch I had a sandwich and rice. It was pretty good, nothing special. After lunch I went to the rink and shot pucks until 3. This was fun and I enjoy working on my shot everyday. I had a little break in between shooting and lacrosse practice so I went to my dorm to chill out for a bit. Lacrosse was at 4:30 and served as my cardio for the day, and that's all for day 8. Todays Hours: 4.5 Total Hours: 32.5

Week 1 Reflection

       This past week of senior project I focused on strength training in the gym, wrist strength in the form of shooting pucks in the rink, and focusing on my daily nutrition to try and have more energized workouts. During the week I mainly had the split of working out during the morning, having a lunch break, and then going to shoot pucks in the rink. I found this to work well because I typically don't like to have big meals before my workout and only a little snack. Working out in the morning allowed my to get a quick snack in, either toast or fruit, and then get to work. Shooting pucks after lunch with my colleagues Nick and Caca was very fun and collaborative. We were able to get our roller blades on and buzz around the Ted like old days and kept it fun and entertaining to pass around. Overall this past week has been a major success towards all of our personal goals.       One of my personal goals from this past week was to note how different food affected my energy throughout

Day 7: May 15th 2023

 Today I woke up at 8:30am and got ready to shoot pucks. I thought that it would be good to switch things up a little and workout in the afternoon after lunch to see if that would change my energy levels during my workout. I got to the rink at around 9am after a quick breakfast snack in the dining hall consisting of toast and a Banana. I stayed in the rink until around 11:30am shooting and rollerblading, and ultimately trying to get my wrist as strong as possible. At 12pm I went to the dining hall to eat lunch,which was a turkey sandwich and these terrible mint chip cookies which I regretted eating because they were awful. Post lunch, I went to the gym to get my workout in. Today's workout was back and arms, I felt pretty good the whole way through and it was very productive. I also spent plenty of time out on the turf strip getting my body stretched out and ready for my workout and lacrosse practice that I had later.  Hours today: 5 Total Hours: 28

Day 6, May 13th 2023

 Saturday was one of the more chill days so far. The boys woke up and headed over to the rink to get shots up during the morning today, just to switch things up a bit. We stayed there for about 2 hours and got some good footage for our instagram. Skipping breakfast, I had a big lunch today consisting of a sandwich, rice, and chicken from the hot line. The chicken was mediocre at best and honestly I don't even know why I got any. Since today was a saturday, we took the day off from working out and had some really good bonding time after lunch with friends before my lacrosse practice. I got some really good cardio in during lacrosse and then right after I went home to spend time with my mom for Mother's Day. Hours Today: 2 Total Hours: 23

Day 5: May 12th 2023

 Today started with a wake up call of 8:30 am. Followed by a quick snack in the dining hall consisting of toast, a banana, and a coffee. When I don't make breakfast this meal is usually what I'll go to since it's quick and fills me up enough to make it until lunch, where I'll really strap on the feedbag. I had an ok workout today, felt mediumly energized throughout the entirety of it. Today was more of a full body, plyometrics day rather than going hard on one muscles group which I usually prefer more. I feel like throughout the week I can get productive workouts in more often due to being less sore day to day. Lunch was a turkey sandwich and rice as usual. The fellas got some great shots up in the rink post lunch feedbag, and then I went on the lacrosse practice to end the day off. 

Day 4: May 11th 2023

 Today was just a splendid day in all aspects. The boys started to get after it at 9:30 am this morning. I hit an unreal full body workout, keeping to swift and cool. Before this I spent some time getting my body right on the turf with various plyometrics that I've learned throughout the years. I felt very good at the beginning of my weight training, but that fell off towards the end. After our workout we got the feedbag goin at the dining hall which was my staple turkey sammy. The chocolate chip cookies today were unreal and irresistible, especially with a glass of milk. Post lunch and chill time at Rulon, we went off to the rink to get some shots in. This was a very productive shooting session and we got some quality content posted on our instagram. Dinner was awful. They tried to do some kind of Earth Day meal, even though Earth Day was a month ago. The chicken was actually good for once, but everything else missed for sure, and that wraps up day 4 of senior project. Today's

Day 3: May 10th 2023

Today is gameday. The Proctor Hornets will face off rival Tilton Rams in a boys varsity lacrosse game at 3:30pm. My entire life has lead up to this big game and this is my day leading up to it. Starting off the day, we woke up around 8:30 am and got to work. Arrival at the gym today was at 9 am, where started off our big mobility day. Being very sore from the past two days of our senior project, we decided it was best to loosen our bodies up and get some good recovery in. This entailed various stretching and yoga practices for about an hour and a half. Following this session we headed over to the rink and roller bladed around and shot pucks. Wrist strength never takes days off so we had to hop in the lab to get some shots up. Starting at 9 and ending at 12, we got 3 full hours in today. After our work we headed to the dining hall and I got my pre game meal in. This entailed a massive turkey sandwich and a side of rice for myself. This is what got the body going for my huge tilt against

Day 2: May 9th 2023

 The fellas were fired up and ready to go for day 2 of senior project where we learn about strength training and our personal nutrition. Waking up at 8:30 am was a nice sleep in compared to getting up at 7 am for classes prior to senior project. Pre gym I got in one banana and two pieces of toast with butter. I usually don't like to eat too much food before a workout and this was perfect fuel for me. Nick, Colin, and I got to the gym at 9 am where I started by getting a really good and deep stretch in on the turf for 45 minutes. I focused and my hips, hamstring, and back because that was what was most sore after my game yesterday. After my warmup I got a chest and arms workout in for the next hour and 15 minutes. I felt pretty good and evenly energized throughout my workout and didn't have any ups and downs which is preferred in my opinion. After my lift I walked on the treadmill for 30 mins to get some blood flow into my legs and get my hips going. Back at the dorm, I ate a le

Day 1, May 8th 2023

 On the first day of my senior project I had the pleasure of taking the AP Calculus AB exam. Before the exam, I woke up around 7:15 am to grab a quick shower, get dressed, and head to breakfast. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs, home fries, french toast sticks with maple syrup, alongside a hefty cup of joe. My exam started at 8:05 am and went until 12:30 pm with just one 10 minute break in the middle. I felt very prepared and confident in my exam thanks to Bill's help with my preparation, hoping for a 5/5! After my exam I headed to the Brown Dining Hall to grab some lunch. For my senior project I hope to try different types of diets and see how they affect my energy and workouts throughout the day. For lunch today I ate a turkey and cheese sandwich, grilled on the panini press, and a side of white rice. This is a staple lunch for me at Proctor Academy and one I often go to when I am not feeling the hot food. After lunch Nick, Colin, and I went to the rink to shoot pucks and work