Day 3: May 10th 2023

Today is gameday. The Proctor Hornets will face off rival Tilton Rams in a boys varsity lacrosse game at 3:30pm. My entire life has lead up to this big game and this is my day leading up to it. Starting off the day, we woke up around 8:30 am and got to work. Arrival at the gym today was at 9 am, where started off our big mobility day. Being very sore from the past two days of our senior project, we decided it was best to loosen our bodies up and get some good recovery in. This entailed various stretching and yoga practices for about an hour and a half. Following this session we headed over to the rink and roller bladed around and shot pucks. Wrist strength never takes days off so we had to hop in the lab to get some shots up. Starting at 9 and ending at 12, we got 3 full hours in today. After our work we headed to the dining hall and I got my pre game meal in. This entailed a massive turkey sandwich and a side of rice for myself. This is what got the body going for my huge tilt against Tilton. I hopped on the bus at 1:30 and we were on our way. This lacrosse game was a great way to get my daily cardio in, through high entensity play by myself. The hornets win 15-5 against the Rams and we went back to campus. My day ended off with just an unreal hotdog bar served by the dining hall, great way to replenish the body after a big win. 

Hours Today: 3

Total Hours: 13


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